Burns Check Tartan - Family and Clan History | Scottish Kilt
The original idea for a Robert Burns tartan was to base it on the Campbell - a clan with which the Burns family was related - but after much debate, it was decided that the black and white Shepherd's Check would be more appropriate. The overchecked version included 'the hodden grey and a' thing,' as well as a glimpse of green fields. There are two more versions: Burns Heritage Check and Burns Heritage Tartan. What Does The Burns Tartan Look Like? There is a Burns family tartan, which is distinct from the Robert Burns commemoration tartan. It is a red and green design (with a touch of blue and yellow), much more akin to a conventional tartan design than the unique Burns check. The Burns Check Tartan is normally made of wool and has lines of white, black, brown, and green. The notion of a Robert Burns tartan was proposed, and the first thinking was to base it on the Campbell clan, which the Burns family was a member of, but after considerable debate, it was determined th